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Red Eye

Your Red Eyes may be more serious than you think!

What is red-eye? When the blood vessels on the surface of the eye become prominent or congested the eye appears to be red. It could also be a rupture in one of the small blood vessels that causes a bleed. Red-eye doesn’t always mean an infection.   So, what causes red-eye? There are numerous causes for red-eye: Conjunctivitis Foreign Body Dry Eye Allergy Sub Conjunctival Hemorrhage Blepharitis Acute Glaucoma Uveitis and more   Conjunctivitis The most common cause of red-eyes is what is colloquially called a madras eye i.e conjunctivitis. It occurs due to a bacterial

Is Eye Makeup Affecting My Eyes-min

Is Eye Makeup Affecting My Eyes?

A beautiful face attracts everyone, however, during this pandemic era of face masks, eyes are the only prominent part visible. So, eye makeup has caught on as a trend in recent days. Eye makeup can be harmful to the eyes if proper precautions are not taken.   Common eye problems due to eye makeup products If you are not mindful of the contents or method of application of the eye makeup products, you may be at risk of getting these eye problems: Allergic conjunctivitis Infectious

Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP)-min

Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP)

A baby’s eyes start to develop at around the sixth week of pregnancy. At this point, the eyes are just two small protrusions emanating from the brain. In the months that follow, these protrusions grow and become increasingly complex. When babies are born prematurely, their eye development is interrupted. Babies who are born before 32 weeks of gestation or weigh 2000 grams or less are vulnerable to a potentially blinding eye disorder known as Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP). The smaller the

Eye Donation – Gift Sight Even After Death-min

Eye Donation – Gift Sight Even After Death

“Sarvendriyanam nayanam pradhanam” – Vision is considered the most vital of all senses since the eyes help us see the colourful surroundings. However, it’s very unfortunate that about 150 lakh people in our country do not have vision.This means, 40% of the world’s blindness is in India. Out of these, 25 lakh suffer from corneal blindness of which one third are below 14 years of age. Corneal blindness can be fixed and their sight can be restored. Cornea is the front part

Are Coloured Contact Lenses Safe to Use

Are Coloured Contact Lenses Safe to Use?

How about matching your eye colour to your favourite dress you recently bought? Sounds fun! isn’t it? But are you well informed about those fancy coloured contact lenses? Here’s everything you need to know. Coloured contact lenses are used to enhance or alter the appearance of the eye. They are available in both vision correcting and non-vision correcting types. Vision correcting lenses besides enhancing the eye colour also correct the refractive error. It’s important to understand that these are medical devices

8 Superfoods that are Good for your Eyes

8 Superfoods that are Good for your Eyes

In this digital world, we all are addicted to mobile, TV, laptop & computers. From the phone in your hand to the computer on your desk, you spend an increasing amount of time staring at screens. Although we need to keep our eyes healthy. But how??? The best way to keep your eyes healthy is by keeping yourself healthy. If you maintain a healthy body weight, there is less of a chance of developing diabetes, high blood pressure or high cholesterol.

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