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Does Thyroid Disorder Affect Your Eyes? Insights on Women’s Eye Health

Does Thyroid Disorder Affect Your Eyes-min

The thyroid gland is a small but significant organ found at the neck’s base. The gland secretes a hormone essential to regulate metabolism and hormonal disorders. The malfunctioning of the thyroid gland leads to hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, which significantly impacts the functioning of various organs of our body including the eye. 

Thyroid Eye Disorder (TED) or Graves ophthalmology, is a common eye disorder associated with the thyroid gland malfunctioning. The common symptoms of the disorder include dryness, redness, swelling, double vision, and bulging eyes. Women are susceptible to thyroid gland dysfunction and hence eye disorder. Early detection and awareness about the impact of the thyroid on eye health is crucial for effective management and improved quality of life.

What is Thyroid Eye Disease (TED)?

Thyroid Eye Disease (TED) is an eye condition that causes inflammation, swelling, or damage to the tissue surrounding the eye. Under such conditions, fatty tissue and other connecting muscles are damaged. TED has two phases: active and stable. The active stage continues from months to years while the stable stage begins after the inflammation subsides.

TED is also known as Graves disease, an autoimmune disorder that harms the thyroid gland, eyes & skin. Grave’s disease results in hyperthyroidism, a condition when the body produces excess thyroid hormone. In contrast, the condition of hypothyroidism is rarely found in the grave’s disease.

Hyper and Hypo both thyroid conditions cause eye illness. Patients developing puffy eyes and brown hair loss are more sensitive to severe hypothyroidism. Additionally, thyroid patients are more prone to developing secondary glaucoma by damaging the optic nerve.

Thyroid & Women's Health

Approximately 1 in 8 women encounter thyroid malfunctioning in their life phases. Women are more vulnerable to hormonal imbalance and their risk is 10 times higher than the man. The inappropriate secretion of thyroxine in women can result in irregular menstrual cycle and impact the reproduction process.

The impact of the thyroid on women’s health is listed below:

Thyroid issues in girls can cause puberty to begin later or earlier.

Abnormal thyroid hormone levels can cause your periods to be lighter or heavier. Thyroid issues might cause your cycle to become less regular or cease completely.

Thyroid diseases can impair fertility by preventing your ovaries from producing mature eggs. You may also be more likely to develop ovarian cysts if you have an underactive thyroid.

If you are pregnant, a thyroid issue may pose difficulties. Hyperthyroidism can cause severe morning sickness, but hypothyroidism can raise the risk of early labour, miscarriage, and other significant problems.

Thyroid issues can raise the risk of early menopause.

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Thyroid Eye Disease?

The early signs of thyroid eye disease are as follows:

Dry Eyes

Watery Eyes

Red and painful eyes

Bulging of eyes

Reduced vision

Unable to close eyes properly while sleeping

Pain in eye movement

How to Diagnose Thyroid Eye Disorder?

If you have a thyroid problem and are facing any symptoms mentioned above, consult the doctor. He will examine the eyes thoroughly and give you the correct advice and treatment necessary for your eye health. Some of the techniques for diagnosing thyroid eye problems are:

Ultrasound of the eyes

Computed tomography (CT)

Magnetic resonance imaging

How Can We Cure Thyroid Eye Disease?

Thyroid eye diseases cannot be avoided if you suffer from hyper or hypo thyroid. Seeking an eye specialist’s advice for the treatment is a must as early intervention can cure TED easily and help you lead a healthy life.


TED is a major concern for women. Changes in lifestyle, environmental conditions, heredity, hormonal imbalance, etc. are some of the factors that lead to thyroid gland malfunctioning. A regular check-up of eyes should be done if you are diagnosed with thyroid problems to intervene in the underlying disease at an early stage. MM Joshi Eye Hospital Hubli comprises a team of experienced and well-qualified ophthalmologists who diagnose thyroid eye disease and effectively treat the problem without delay.


Yes, an increased level of thyroid adversely affects the eyes. It results in poor vision, bulginess, swelling, inflammation, watery or dry eyes, etc. If you are diagnosed with thyroid and such symptoms seek doctor advice immediately.

Some early thyroid eye disease symptoms are bags under the eyes, blurred vision, dry or watery eyes, difficulty seeing, and pain in or behind the eyes.

The muscles in your eyes tighten and contract. The top lid does not go far enough down, nor does the bottom lid go far enough up. Additionally, the tissues within and around the eyes swell.

Yes, the symptoms of TED and blepharitis are the same therefore we can say there is a close relationship between the two eye disorders.

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