Fix Appointment
Looking for an appointment? Do send us your details online and sit back and relax. MMJEI help line is available 10 AM – 5 PM collects details and confirms your appointment.
Points to remember before you Register:
- Please confirm whether you were a patient of M M Joshi Eye Institute earlier.
- If yes, please give your MRD number.
- Please state your present problem. This will help us fix an appointment with the appropriate specialist.
- Please give your choice of date or doctor.
- If you have fixed the appointment over phone, please note down the name of doctor/date and time.
- Please only visit the hospital where you have been given an appointment.
- Please do not fix multiple appointments.
- Please report at the time given. If you are late by more than 15 minutes, your appointment will be cancelled. However another appointment will be given against subsequent cancellation, if any, on the same day.
- Please note only one attendant will be allowed along with the patient and in case of a child, two will be allowed.