Is Lasik Surgery Safe

Lasik Surgery Safety

YES!!! LASIK is a very safe and effective surgery. Blade free LASIK is a treatment for vision correction approved for NASA Astronauts. It is also a US FDA approved procedure.

Femto LASIK is a 100% blade free, safe and effective procedure to improve your eyesight. It uses ultra high precision femtosecond LASER for safety and accuracy of the treatment. Millions of procedures have been performed safely all over the world, including India with satisfactory results.

Vision correction with Lasik:

LASIK can be done to correct refractive errors like Myopia up to -9.00D, Hypermetropia upto +5.00D, Astigmatism upto 3 to 4D, depending on individual corneal thickness and profile. LASIK is usually performed after a refractive stabilization for a period of 1 year which usually occurs around the age of 21 years. After the age of 40 years and older LASIK can still be done but they have to use glasses for near vision as presbyopia sets in. Recent advances have enabled us to treat presbyopia also.
Performed as an outpatient procedure, Femto LASIK is a painless procedure and might take about 20 minutes for both eyes.

Pre Lasik surgery evaluation:

Before Femto LASIK every candidate undergoes evaluation by the most advanced topographers and after evaluating individual corneal profile, a tailor-made approach is followed. This also helps us to identify and prevent any problems that may occur post Femto LASIK.

Possible side effects of Lasik:

Side effects like dry eyes, glare, haloes, and night time driving disturbances are very rare but can be easily managed; vision loss due to Femto LASIK surgery is extremely rare.

If you are thinking about Femto LASIK, there is always a high success and satisfaction rate. The surgery is proven and time tested. When choosing Femto LASIK, many patients view the prospect as life changing and a means to enjoy even basic activities that once were hindered by poor vision. “To wake up in the morning and not reach for your glasses or spend two minutes putting in contact lenses everyday is exhilarating”


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